Monday, 26 March 2012


The School was established on the 6th of September 2010

It Started with:

** 10 classes
**25 staff
** 180 Students

Presently there are:

**13 classes + 1 Jss one class
** 281 students
** 33 Staff
** 14 Subjects (Primary School) 
** 16 Subjects (Secondary School)

What we have:

** A fully equipped Computer room 
** A fully equipped Science lab
** A fully equipped art room.

Subjects Offered:

*Primary School:
English Language
  **Verbal Apptitude
  ** Basic English
Islamic Religious Knowledge/ Christian Religious Knowlegde
Computer Knowledge 
Social Studies
Health habits
Physical and health Education
Agricultural science

Secondary School( Jss 1)

English Language 
Islamic Religious Knowledge/ Christian Religious Knowlegde
Computer Knowledge 
Social Studies
Basic Technology
Home Economics
Physical and health Education
Agricultural science
Literature in English

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Saying Goodbye To the European Teachers.

The School had two visiting Teachers From Hungary. Thursday 22nd March 2012 was a very tearful one for the staff and students of S.I.S as they said good bye to the European teacher trainers who spent six lovely eventful months with us. To say we learned ALOT from them is an understatement. We would no doubt miss them Alot.

Jss 1 at the Library

Jss 1 spent sometime in the Library reading and learning new things on Friday 23rd March 2012.

1st term Excursion photo's.

Every term, the School organizes excursions for the students. Here are some of the pictures from the 1st term excursion.

Bauchi State Water Plant

End of year 2011 party

Every end of year, the school organizes a party for the students before they go on their 1st term holiday. Games, Competitions, Dances, Drama's, Poems etc are organized by the staff and students. The students ALWAYS end up having lots of fun!

Team Building for the Staff.

Playing Handball

 The Management of Sunshine International School organized a team building outing for the staff at Gubi Dam Bauchi State. It was a day filled with activities and games aimed at bringing unity,love and the spirit of team work among the staff. They had games such as football, Scrabble, Races, Handball, Gada, story telling and had to introduce themselves to the crowd by telling each other stories, features, likes and dislike that their co-workers did not know about them. It was a very successful day. Thanks to the management for organizing it!
Discussing Myths and History of the Rocks

Reka Kovacs
Some Male Staff playing Scrabble


Some of the Staff playing football

Jameel, Abubakar and Lateef going on a boat Ride

Female staff playing "gada" a traditional hausa game.