Saturday, 27 July 2013

Holiday Activities.

Dear Parents, don't leave your children idle this Holiday, we will be periodically posting links to activities from printables to online DIY activities for your children to enjoy and learn from. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM ALL OF US AT SUNSHINE.

Math activities for nursery to secondary school

Printable activities for maths, english and foreign languages

Math for kids from ages 6-13

Math worksheets from age 4-10

Reading activities and printables for 4,5 and 6 year olds

fun ideas to get them reading

tips to help them read

Games for a sharper memory for kids from age 8

bedtime stories.

Activities for teens

Stories from age 10

closing programme 2013

the secondary school staff

secondary school staff
national identity by class 3
a drama by jss 1

a drama by jss 1

the staff and students of the secondary school sang a peace song after the drama. we sang for peace to reign in the world.

the staff and students of the secondary school sang a peace song after the drama. we sang for peace to reign in the world.

the director of the school

class 6 graduating students

overall best in the secondary school

graduating class (class 6)

acting out a drama (jss 1)

some students

some parents

our deputy head master

graduating students

how well do you know your child game

french song

talk on national identity

S.I.S Parade

band display

S.I.S Parade

our vice principal

our proprietor Dr Bashir Sule

band display

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Our Zero Tolerance Policy.

Sunshine International School has a STRICT Zero Tolerance Policy. We do not under any Circumstance tolerate the following and reserve the right to give serious punishment, Suspend or expel any child found wanting.
1. Stealing
2. Fighting
3. Cheating
4. Bullying
5. Use of Drugs
6. Blasphemy or Religious Intolerance
7. Phones in school by students
8. Indiscpline
9. Laziness
10. Truancy
11. Bringing harmful/sharp instruments to school (knives, daggers, screw drivers, guns etc)
12. Wearing a uniform NOT provided by the School
13. Undone homework.

Contact the school authority for further clarity or information.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

How to Prepare Your Child For Exams

How to Help Your Child Prepare for Exams

Taking an exam for the first time can be a nerve-racking experience for a young student which can highly affect his or her grades. While you can't take your child's exam for them, you can help them study and provide a supportive environment.

    Be prepared! Be well versed with the 4 P's - "Preparation Prevents Poor Performance". The most effective way of alleviating the stress brought on by tests and exams is to be well prepared.

    Cover all the relevant material. Organise and timetable the period running up to exams. Help your child write down the topics they have to cover – then divide them by the days left until exams begin. This way, they’ll be sure to cover all their subjects, not just their favourite ones!

    Practice answering questions. The last stage of revision should involve practice in answering examination questions in the time allowed. It’s important that your child not only knows their work, but is able to regurgitate that information in the allocated time span of the exam.

    Take time out for regular breaks. Recognise that concentration falls off after certain amount of time. This can vary from person to person, but a short break is a good idea every 60 or 90 minutes. A brisk walk is a great way to recharge the batteries.

    Eat to improve concentration. Feed the body and you feed the mind. Omega 3 fish oils are said to be an aid to concentration. Make sure they eat healthily and regularly and don't let them skip meals.

    Rest the mind. Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep. Give them time to wind down if they’ve been studying in the evening. Let them watch a bit of TV, have a warm drink and a read before trying to go to sleep.
